Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's been awhile....

Sorry about the long time between posts...I've been sort of busy, Devin started pre-school which has gone quite smoothly for a 2 year old, and then she got her 1st bug from school, so mama's been tending to the child. I really want to make this advent calendar, it's by Teresa McFayden, a fabulous crafter I discovered last night mindlessly surfing the net, it would be for our house, not my etsy shop, because it would take entirely way too much time and I wouldn't have time to do it again, it's made with magnets...isn't it cute, I love how she uses all the different number styles and of course the overall retro-awesome-ness? Oh, I'm thinking of doing my 1st blog or etsy shop giveaway but I'm trying to think of how to work it out & what to give away...

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